My Home Gardening

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How To Grow Superb Turnips

Here, we're going to look at how to grow superb turnips.

Growing superb turnips is really a lot less difficult than you might think, provided you follow a few simple rules.

Turnips are a root vegetable, and it has to be said that many people don't like the flavour. Personally, I do, and they make a great vegetable for incorporating into a stew, hot pot, or more or less any casserole.

If you don't like parsnips, then you may not like turnips.

Let's assume you do!

Turnips are a very fast-growing type of crop. If you sow them in April and keep them well-watered, then you can be pulling young turnips in June. Not bad, huh?

You can even sow them as early as March, as I do when there's not much fear of frost about.

Sow in drills about ΒΌ" deep and cover with fine soil. The little seeds are like small round balls, but can be easily space about an inch or two apart.

Water in well.

When the seedlings have germinated (and they do so in a very few days) thin out to leave about one plant every 4" - 5".

Now just keep watering the little blighters!

They grow very fast and need plenty of water (as you might have gathered) in order to support the growth.

Because they grow so fast, you need to sow on a regular basis - every two weeks or so - to ensure a continuous supply.

Pull them when they reach the size of a golf ball - not much more. If you leave them longer they will become very tough and no use for the kitchen.

Small is good! OK?

About the Author

Jack West is a garden writer who has been growing for over forty years. His main interests are growing food and flowers for the house. Very recently he has discovered an amazing new way of making garden compost which is far, far better for plants than traditional methods! This is truly groundbreaking (sorry) stuff! Click here for full details: Here


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