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How to have a healthy water pond for your fish and vegetation?

To have a healthy pond you must have pH balance water, to get this balance after the pond is filled you must proceed like this:

Analyse the water.

The first time you fill your pond, the water might contain chemical pollutants and minerals that are toxic for the fishes and the plants. Those chemical substances are the chlorine, the chloramines, the ammonia and many more found in the tap water. The chlorine found in tap water dissipates generally after a few days. But for other chemicals like a combination of chlorine and ammonia, take much more time to decompose.

Before introducing plants or fish in the pond, you must analyse the water. After the pond is fill, wait at least one week before testing the water. You can detect almost every toxic substance in the water when testing the pH, the ammonia, the chlorines and the hardness of the water. The pH is the measure of the acidity or the alkalinity. The scale goes from 0 (very acid) from 14 (very alkaline), 7 is neutral and it means that the water is pure. A healthy water has a pH that range between 6.5 and 8.5. You can buy the test kit in pet store, where you bought your pond or online. The indication included in the kit will tell you witch water conditioner to use to correct the situation.

Rectify the water parameter

A variety of water treatment is offered to balance the water pH and eliminate the toxic substances from your pond. But you should not use them unless the test tells you to. Some fish and plant retailer suggest that you put a conditioner in the pond before you introduce the fishes or the plants in the pond, just for precaution. However, if the test marks that the water is correct, it doesn't need conditioner. If you decide to go with the conditioner anyway, follow the instruction on the label.

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1 Responses to “How to have a healthy water pond for your fish and vegetation?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Good words.  

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